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Aiding women entrepreneurs by providing education around running a business

Leveraging Facebook's networking platform to sensitise people about diversity


Globally, 70 percent of graduates have reported higher revenues and nearly 60 percent have created new jobs.


The program solves the everyday roadblocks that women entrepreneurs face to suggest ways of dealing with them. Participants work on strategy, finance & accounting, business development and receive feedback from mentors, professors to shape their plans.



To solve entrepreneurial challenges— both economical and societal, IIMB has become an academic partner of ‘Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women’ in India and will expand this proven program to reach more women entrepreneurs.

To understand user’s experience with Facebook, and make more connections to let its users experience an open, connected world. 



Through promoting diversity on employees’ stories, Live Video interviews, and panel discussions, Facebook strikes a chord in people’s mind to sensitize them about diversity and its importance.


Facebook’s most 2017 annual Diversity Report demonstrated the company’s long-term commitment to improving diversity and showed a positive hiring trend.



To understand user’s experience with Facebook, and make more connections to let its users experience an open, connected world. Also, to transcend beyond recognising and reflecting characteristics like gender, ethnicity and LGBT, and be inclusive on background, heritage, beliefs and many other facets which give rise to the richness of experience which shapes people and drives creativity






Through promoting diversity on employees’ stories vid blogs, Facebook  Live Video interviews, and panel discussions on topics like Inside the Data Analytics London team, How to disrupt yourself and create a step change in your career, allowing people have first-hand experiences from a wide range of employees. Facebook also leverages its own platform to target potential employees using targeted ad campaigns.







Facebook’s 2017 annual Diversity Report demonstrated the company’s long-term commitment to improving diversity and showed a positive hiring trend.







Leveraging social media for a noble cause has its own unique results. Above is an typical example of encouraging employees to become change agents of diversity and promoting the same vibes on social media. This not only created a huge shift in mindset but also inspired other to contribute. Any company with limited budget and resources can adapt to this model to tackle their inclusion, diversity problems.

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