Aiding women entrepreneurs by providing education around running a business
A networking platform for women
Globally, 70 percent of graduates have reported higher revenues and nearly 60 percent have created new jobs.
The program solves the everyday roadblocks that women entrepreneurs face to suggest ways of dealing with them. Participants work on strategy, finance & accounting, business development and receive feedback from mentors, professors to shape their plans.
To solve entrepreneurial challenges— both economical and societal, IIMB has become an academic partner of ‘Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women’ in India and will expand this proven program to reach more women entrepreneurs.
A networking place for women, where members discuss health, careers, relationships and share their life stories, achievements and moments.
SHEROES offers its enterprise customers a range of products including Brand Solutions, SHE – prevention of sexual harassment at work platform and a Managed Remote Solutions program. Also, hosts several events focused on gender narratives.
SHEROES community has 14 million members, with a target of reaching 100 million in next 3-4 years.
Founded with the singular belief that career for women are cyclical in nature and they have unique needs when it comes to navigate their professional needs, SHEROES is focused on to putting together opportunities of diverse natures to help find women their custom fit.
SHEROES offers its enterprise customers a range of products including Brand Solutions, SHE – prevention of sexual harassment at work platform and a Managed Remote Solutions program. Also, hosts several events focused on gender narratives. Recently, SHEROES has launched a pan-India initiative to support and spotlight the next generation of women in technology from 45 engineering colleges. The SHEROES Campus Lead programme aims at showcasing girls who want to zoom ahead in their lives, offering additional opportunities to better construct their careers.
The SHEROES women in tech community has over 95,000 community members, discussing tech trends, ideas, skills and narratives, on a daily basis.
This kind of dedicated networking platform becomes the commonplace for creating solutions for unsolved problems which still dwell in our society. Apart from mere solutions, when a platform like SHEROES offers career guidance, women not only feel empowered but it also encourages the world to change their perception.